Saturday, March 9, 2013

SSSP 2: satisfying preconditions, specializing on success

There's a place for anger and frustration and every other emotion. Well, not stress, not in my life anyways. And there IS a place for fantasy.

The thing is, there is NO space for confusing planning and fantasy. You want to plan? Plan. You want to fantasize? Fantasize. But never do them simultaneously, and never mix them up, and never confuse them.

When you're planning, fantasizing is not allowed. And equally, when you're fantasizing, planning is not allowed! Mixing them up makes for pathetic fantasies and pathetic plans!

Calling on the cattle to rise up and change some law or other ... that makes for pathetic plans AND pathetic fantasies. If you're going to fantasize, start by drawing up a list of the top 10,000 people you would order to have killed. And go on from there. :)

You can't learn about the world without trying to redesign it. (Just like you can't learn to speak properly without hearing yourself). So to learn about the world you need to both plan AND fantasize. But at all times you should be aware and conscious of what you're doing.

Separation of concerns isn't just critical in planning. It's critical in all areas of life. And it's why you need to know at all times whether you're planning or fantasizing, so you can do that thing well!

The same goes for hopping from one issue to the next. You want to fix the world before finishing grieving? Fine. IF AND ONLY IF you know whether you're hopping or dodging. If you're dodging then freaking do THAT well. If you're hopping then do THAT well. And if you're overloaded emotionally or by work... then don't expect to accomplish anything at all except BEING overloaded.

If you want to do a thing, do it well. Make sure you know what you're doing and make sure you meet the preconditions for doing it well. Otherwise you're just deluded and playacting. And if you WANT to playact then sign up for theater school. And if you want to be deluded then don't hang around me because with my core value Truth I will fucking shatter your illusions.

And lastly, the exact same reasoning applies to academic specialists. And is the reason why I despise them. Because they don't specialize around learning or understanding their respective academic field. They specialize around the role of being an academic specialist. Someone who publishes within only their field, is respected by their peers and gets grants.

So they spend their entire lives never knowing what it is they're doing. Because if they did, they would be ashamed of what they do rather than being proud. You don't learn to understand chemistry by specializing on the role of a chemist, it just doesn't work. And you don't learn to make discoveries in the sciences, or inventions, or even discoveries or inventions in chemistry, by specializing on the role of a chemist. That works even less!

Academics are universally fuckups who don't understand specialization. That's why I despise their fake concept of "specialization" and their despicable "specialties" and every last academic and the whole institution of academia itself which was built on an artificial tie-in of teaching and research and sucking up to the government.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. I am however telling you something you forgot, perhaps because you never learned to appreciate it properly in the first place.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Design: Augment

You ever been overflowing with creative work, unable to keep track of or organize it? Pissed because there's no software supporting it?

There's no way to zoom in or out of anything. I can't zoom out of a project file and get a project statement + title. I can't zoom out of that to see what super-project it's part of. I can't zoom out of that to see a listing of and organization of all my projects.

I can't zoom out of a project file and see a list of entryPoints in it. JUST the entryPoints, the landmarks where I need things done.

Landmarks; along with nodes, edges, districts and paths. They're the fundamental elements of navigation = locomotion + wayfinding.

Project files (text files) are districts. Where are the fucking landmarks? The objects that can easily be seen from far away? Nowhere. Where are the paths between districts? Oh right, nowhere too!

I can't take usable notes because even though I date them and make sure they're time ordered, I can't TAG them! And even though I'm tagging my diary for future use, there's *no software* that can fucking read the tags! I can't read my notes by tag.

And because I can't read my notes by tag, I can't just dump my notes into a new project file. Something that SHOULD take 30-60 seconds takes 15 minutes if I bother to do it at all, which I generally don't. It's prohibitively expensive.

Organizing ... is prohibitively expensive! I've lived with that fact for more than a decade.


What are the design elements of software that supports the organization needs of systems designer? There's four if I recall correctly.

  • deltas
  • state
  • entryPoints (these are meta, hence beyond the ken of programmers)
  • dependencies (also meta)
  • integration between all of the above and fluid switching between them

You can ALMOST fake these with a combination of the craptastic software we have available. You can use Natrificial Brain to keep track of dependencies. You can laboriously manually organize your files per-project as well as keeping a general log. Though it doesn't really work. You can insert symbols lie hashmarks (####) to indicate important entry points, though you can't do anything too elaborate like discriminating between important and urgent.

And unless you've got OCD or are anal about staying organized, all these efforts will FAIL. They won't work for one simple reason: they're too expensive. Faking Augment with crapware is not Augment.